Our clinics
We will be happy to welcome you for a professional and comprehensive lung examination. A children's pneumology outpatient clinic is also available in Prosek.
There is a pulmonary outpatient clinic with comprehensive services in Vysočany as well as a new pulmonary rehabilitation run by professional physiotherapists.
Symptoms of diseases
- acute dyspnoea
- chronic shortness of breath
- acute cough with coughing
- acute cough without coughing
- chronic cough with coughing
- chronic cough without coughing
- coughing up blood
- feeling of lack of oxygen
- wheezing
- fever
- acute bronchitis
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- bronchial asthma
- pneumonia
- interstitial lung diseases (pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis)
- chronic respiratory insufficiency
- acute respiratory insufficiency
- chronic cough
- lung tumors
- acute bronchitis
- chronic bronchitis
- smoking cessation
- tuberculosis (Vysočany)
Service for doctors
We accept patients even without any recommendation of their physician. However, it is an advantage if the patient has a written recommendation including anamnestic data, comorbidities and comedication (especially data on antibiotic therapy in the last 6 months, data on treatment with beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors, data on anticoagulant treatment, etc.). If you are sending patients with a chest scan already performed the description is not enough for us. The original or a copy (on CD or other data storage device) is much more suitable. We will be happy to arrange and describe the chest skiagram on the same day at both workplaces.